Mr. Jerzy Jendrośka, PhD is Managing Partner at Jendroska Jerzmański Bar & Partners. Environmental Lawyers. He is also the President of the Environmental Law Center which is an independent environmental law and policy think tank in Wrocław, and Adjunct Professor and the Director of European Environmental Law Post-Graduate Studies at Opole University. He teaches also at Wrocław University and at the European Law Academy in Trier, Germany.
He has hold a number of official positions in Poland, including as a member of the National EIA Commission (1994-2004), a permanent legal expert of the Parliamentary Environment Commission (since 1996), as a Vice -chair of the governmental GMO Commission (2002 – 2006) and as a Member of the Committee „Man and the Environment” of Polish Academy of Sciences (2003-2007). He has also served as the advisor to the Environment Minister on European Integration (2000 – 2001) and on the Polish Presidency in EU (2011). In July 2014 he was nominated to the State Environmental Protection Council and elected to the Presidium of the Council.
Since 1995 Mr. Jendrośka has represented the Government of Poland in various EU and international processes, including serving as a Vice-chair of the UNECE Aarhus Convention negotiations (1996-1998) and of the UNECE SEA Protocol negotiations (2000-2002) as well as a member (2000-2006) and the Chair (2002-2003) of the Aarhus Convention Bureau. Currently he serves as an arbitrator at the Permanent Court of Arbitrage in the Hague (since 2002), a member of the Compliance Committee of the Aarhus Convention (since 2006) and a member of the Implementation Committee of the UNECE Espoo Convention (since 2004).
Mr. Jendrośka was the principal drafter of the EIA/SEA, GMO and Aarhus Convention-related legislation in Poland, and has been involved in legislative reforms and drafting environmental legislation in a number of countries in South-Eastern and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Author/co-author of 30 books and about 200 articles (in Polish, English, Russian and German) dealing with environmental law in both domestic and comparative perspectives (in particular issues connected with harmonization with EU law).