This plenary session will hear the views of three leading experts on what a European commitment to sustainability should mean for policies on the three conference themes – Climate and Energy, Biodiversity and the Circular Economy. The themes will be explored in greater depth in the afternoon breakout sessions.
Moderator: Rosa Lyon, Journalist, ORF – Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna
Climate and Energy: What has Paris changed? Implementation and financing at the EU and national level
Ulriikka Aarnio, International Climate Policy Coordinator, Climate Action Network Europe
Biodiversity: Will Europe’s nature be more or less safe after the Fitness Check of the Nature Directives?
Andreas Beckmann, Managing Director of the WWF-International Danube-Carpathian Programme
Circular Economy: From incremental measures to an economic transition that respects planetary boundaries
Walter R. Stahel, Founder-Director of The Product-Life Institute
Explanation of breakout sessions